Olimxon Erkaboyev

Frontend Developer
Olimxon Erkaboyev
Frontend Developer
+998 99 905 33 37
+998 90 787 30 37

Разработка сайтов
Комплексные решения
Поисковая оптимизация

Обо мне

Men Olimxon Erkaboyev, Frontend Dasturchiman. HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux va boshqa muhim texnologiyalarda chuqur bilimga egaman. Detallarga katta e'tibor berib, doimiy o'rganishga intilaman. Mening maqsadim - foydalanuvchiga qulay va samarali veb-ilovalar yaratishdir.


  • d2d.uz Landing Page

    DTD Logistics None

    Landing page of dtd logistics company. I made this site about us
  • admin.newsoft.uz ERP System

    DTD Logistics None

    - Developed statistical modules to display cargo shipment data over selected periods and top customer statistics. - Created a user feedback section to capture and display user comments and reviews. - Implemented a product page for verifying information on all cargo products across various shipments. - Designed and developed offline functionality for cargo receiving and weighing pages using IndexDB, allowing synchronization with the backend upon task completion.
  • cabinet.d2d.uz

    DTD Logistics None

    - Developed a personalized dashboard where users can track the status of their shipments and products.


  • Najot Ta'lim

    Другое / Frontend Developer

    1 ноября 2022 г. - 1 апреля 2023 г.

Work Experience

  • Frontend Developer

    DTD Logistics

    1 февраля 2024 г. - None